Monday, February 19, 2007


We had a nice holiday weekend up in Big Bear with the Moore's and the Wehman's. The girls found some fun sled hills, and Maddy finally got to wear her adorable snow suit GoGoMaMa bought her.

The family!!

Sledding with Madison - - Wheeeeeee!!

Maddy unaware she is about to get beaned with a snowball by Madison.
Daddy's little snowboarder!!
Madison, Natalie, Maddy --- 2005
Natalie, Maddy, Madison ---2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My little makeup artist . .

Yesterday as I was feeding Katelyn her afternoon bottle Maddy disappeared. No biggie, she plays in her room or our room all the time. Well she was gone for a while, and she was toooooo quiet. So, off I went to find her. Found her in my bathroom with all my makeup out.

Not too bad with the mascara right?!?! At least she got it close to her eyelashes. haha

Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Valentines was so much fun for us. During the day I took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese's for a Valentine's party with all their little friends.
Maddy's FULL loot bag, with all of her Valentines.

All of the kid's loot bags!!
We finally got a picture of Katelyn with her friends Kate and Audrey!!!

We came home and found Great Grandma here with more goodies for the girls. Katelyn loved her talking dog.

GEEZ ... I let Maddy have a few of her Valentines and let her go wild, this is the aftermath!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Think these girls are related???

I was just looking through pictures of my girls at about the same age, and found these two pictures. . . .

Think they are related???

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bath Time, Bath Time!!

Little Katelyn is finally big enough to sit in her little bath chair and take a bath with Maddy. . .
Katelyn - being a little ham as usual.
Best look from Maddy I could get - the stinker hates the camera now!

A kiss for little sister!
A little secret between sisters!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wow is it February already????

Well here it is February and I had every intention of sending out the link to this site weeks ago. Life happened - and our entire family has been down and out with horrible colds and flus. We have been to the doctor way too many times already and are hoping to be healthy soon. So far 2007 hasn't treated us that well.
Updates: Maddy is doing well in preschool, she loves her class and her teachers. She finally had her speech evaluation and we are hoping she will be starting her speech therapy soon. She tested just fine for everything, but her talking.
Katelyn is now 6 months old, and still a teeny tiny girl. She is only 13.5 pounds and just barely 25 inches. She is now enjoying fruit with her rice cereal, and starting to sit up for lenghty periods before toppling over.
Kip is working hard as usual, and pestering me about taking a long -overdue trip somewhere/anywhere.
Besides being sick, I have finally started taking cake decorating classes like I have always wanted to do. They are looking pretty good, and I am excited to do Maddy's birthday cake soon.
Thats about it here. Here are some pictures of our sickly family:

Kip, Katelyn, and I at Maddy's friend Chase's birthday party

The girls and I at home.

Miss KK sitting all by herself (with a little help from the Boppy.)

Maddy striking a pose at her friend Emily's party at the park.

***********Check back soon, I promise to update often!!!!***********